You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.4. SALES Menu: Sales Order Processing > 1.4.4. Sales - Credit Note Creation > Credit Note Creation - Edit Menu Options > Credit Creation - Edit - Use Default Bin Location
Credit Creation - Edit - Use Default Bin Location

Use this option if you want Micronet to automatically set a default bin for stock returns.



The default bin for credit notes must first be set in the Default Credit Location field on the Warehouse Bin Locations screen – see "File - Warehouse - Bins".




Note that when this option is ticked, when you save a credit note, Micronet will overwrite the bin location on all lines with the Default Credit Location bin, regardless of what bin was set on those lines.

If you want to reverse an invoice that was created incorrectly and return the stock to the original bins, you need to make sure that this option is not ticked.

  1. Display the Credit Creation screen.

Refer to "Credit Note Creation - Edit Menu Options".



Technical Tip

This menu option toggles the default credit bin on and off. A tick appears next to the menu option when the default bin location is toggled on. In that case, choosing this menu option removes the tick and toggles the default bin location off.

Micronet redisplays the Credit Creation screen.